Machines imprimerie d’occasion
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Horizon VAC 100 a VAC 100 m ST-40 SPF-200 A FC-200 A | 2009 a vendre

Image1 Horizon VAC 100 a VAC 100 m ST-40 SPF-200 A FC-200 A
Horizon VAC 100 a VAC 100 m ST-40 SPF-200 A FC-200 A Pic 1
Мachines d'imprimerie d'Оccasion:
Assembleuse-Brochage machine
PD Ref: 119076 | dernière actualisation: 17-04-2024
Viewed: 186 times
Enquiry's: 3
Latest Enquiry for this machine was from

Age: 2009
Dim.maxi: 50 x 35 cm (19 x 13 inch)
Etat: In production
Dealer Ref.No: 23009




offer consists of:

- air-suction collator VAC-100a
- air-suction collator VAC-100m
- Stapelabsenktisch ST-40
- stitcher and folder SPF-200A
- fore-edge trimmer FC-200A

Horizon VAC-100a / VAC-100m
air-suction collator

- technology: touch work
- model: air-suction collator
- bins: 10
- error avoidance: misfeed-,doublefeed- and jamming control
- saveable jobs: 9 memories for repeat orders
- extensibility: up to 6 collators 60 bins

- doublecycle nonstop-work
- inject simply and doubly
- booklet making program
- block program
- selective collating

- sheet size: max. 500x350mm; min. 148x120mm
- paper weight: 40-250g/sqm
- loading height: 130mm/ bin

- production speed: max. 9.500 cycles/h

- power: 230V; 50/60Hz - 1,86kW
- dimensions: 842x652x1.961mm
- weight: each 310kg

Horizon ST-40 incl. ST-CV
Stapelabsenktisch mit Fehlblattauslage Übergabebrücke

- Nutzen: ermöglicht trotz Fehl- und Doppelblattkontrolle den Non-Stop-Betrieb

- Abmessungen: 1.300x700x950mm
- Gewicht: 126kg

Horizon SPF-200A
stitcher and folder:

- format adjustment: fully automatic
- DIN-size and standard fold types: preassigned
- saveable jobs: 200 memories for repeat orders
- stitching heads: 2 - expandable up to 4 stitching heads
- stapling options: topstitching, side-, cornerstitiching optional equipment
- ring eylete stitiching: with ring eyelet stitching heads possible

- inlet format:
max. 508x356mm;
min. 180x105mm

- processing strength:
max. 25 pages 80g/sqm

- clip distance: min. 73mm
- stitching wire: 26 - 28
- production speed: max. 4.800 booklets/h

- power: 230V / 50Hz - 0,68kW
- dimensions: 1.625x810x1.070mm
- weight: 500kg

Horizon FC-200A
fore-edge trimmer:

- faulty set ejection

- booklet size:
max. 250mm; min. 85mm

- trimming:
from 2-20mm

- trimming thickness:
max. 100 pages 80 g/sqm
min. 4 pages

- production speed: max. 4000 booklets/h

- power: 230V / 50Hz - 0,55kW
- dimensions: 655x810x1.070mm
- weight: 245kg

We can also organize the following for you:

packaging, loading, transport by ship or plane including customs
Localisé à:
Europe Western
In production
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