Custom under cut plate cylinders to run dry raised offset printing plates. The undercut is .7mm which is .67mm more than factory setting (.03mm) which allows the ability to run dry plates or wet plates with packing added behind the plates.
Press has manual keys setting on the ink fountains and manual register adjustments for plate lateral and circumference movements.
Largest sheet size is 360x520 mm and thickness is .4mm.
The press has a Techotrans dampening system which chills and filters the dampening solution being run thru the press.
There is a Baldwin IR drying system installed after the last printing unit at the delivery. It has an adjustable heat range and has a load probe to check pile heat.
A Laco inline coating unit was purchased with the press it comes with an imprint cylinder which installs next to the last unit impression cylinder. A raised surface plate is needed for the imprint cylinder to transfer the coating to the sheet. The unit plugs into the press which supplies power and signal to intergrade the coater to the press.
The press only has 436,000 total impressions.
Does have factory anti offset spray powder unit installed.
At least one extra printing unit set of rollers.