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Komori GL 840P LED-UV | 2019 zu verkaufen


Gebrauchte Druckmaschinen:
Bogen Offset Druck maschine

PD Ref: 118658 | Zuletzt aktualisert: 21-05-2024
Viewed: 353 times
Enquiry's: 4
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Latest Enquiry for this machine was from

Alter: 2019
Max.Größe: 103 x 72 cm (40 x 28 inch)
Aktueller Zustand: In production
Farben: 8
Eindrücke Zahler: 129 mio
Extras: | Autoplate | Perfector | Ink Remote Control | Touch-screen Control | Autosize | CIP
Dealer Ref.No.: D7949



Komori GL-840P LED-UV, Year 2019
72x103 - 8 Colors - Perfector 8/0 - 4/4 Full Automatic
Counter (at today): ca 129 mio impressions
Equipped with:
. PQC-S Komori (Print Quality Control)
. WallScreen KID (Komori Info-Service Display)
. PDC-SX (Colour Management)
. KHS-AI (Advanced Interface)
. AMR (Automatic Make Ready, Paper Size and Thickness Setting)
. A-APC (Simultaneous plate change)
. Cocking Register (lateral, vertical & diagonal)
. Automatic Washers Devices: Rollers, Blanket & Impressions cylinders
. Pre-connected to CIP4
. Komorimatic Dampening
. Baldwin Central Refrigeration System with Balcontrol BC 745 EF
. Technotrans Beta-f (Filtration dampening solution)
. Suction Tape Feeder
. Air Preset
. Ultrasonic Double Sheet Detector
. Air Side lay and Front lay Detector
. Automatic Pile adjustment on Feeder
. Ink Temperature Control
. Throw-Off system for Inking / Dampening at Units (if not in use)
. Chromed Impression Cylinders
. Perfector 8/0 - 4/4 Full Automatic
. High Pile Delivery
. Static Eliminator
. Dryer Balwin-Spectral LED-UV (2 Lamps)
. Balwin-Spectral LED Cooler 18-0 L
. Powder Sprays Eltosch-Grafix
. Air cabinets with the machine
. Machine Raised 300 mm
Automatic Tape inserter SP-20001-B, Air dryer IDF6E, Manuals, Tools, Transformer and Accessories
Europe Western
Aktueller Zustand:
In production
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